We have had a lovely tour to a mountain called Blåfjellet, The Bluemountain. It is above our cabin. We have spend the night in the cabin from yesterday, and should spend this night there too. Here you can see some of Blåfjellet. It is so lovely!
This sweet book was in a postbox at the mountain, we wrote our name in it, and some words about the warm weather.
I read a interior magazine at the top of the mountain! :)
Over oss så vi disse nydelige små skyene.
Above we saw these lovely little cloudes. Kjerstis idè å ta et slikt bilde der jeg skulle kikke fram bak varden, det ble jo ganske artig også.
It was Kjersti's idea to take a photo from this angle, and it looks funny too. I am sitting behind the cairn. Tuva var selvfølgelig også med på fjellturen! :) Det var litt slitsomt for henne å gå i sola, men vi tok jo pauser underveis.
Tuva was also at the mountain trip. :) It was a bit hard for her in the sunlight, but we took breaks on the way.
At this photo we can see the top of the Mountain, Blåfjellet. We saw a reindeer at the top, but I didn't manage to take a photo of it. We had a very nice tour, we are going to the cabin again now. We just had to go home for a shower and some bloging. :)
20 kommentarer:
Du har det gott- med fjellen inpå. Jeg kjenner bara lengsel når jeg kiker på bildene.Blåfjellet ser ut att vare ett tur-fjelle over dagen. Du får motion, litt eventyr og så "hejle" Norge :) under dine
Skøn søndag!
ønsker Inkan i Stockholm
Fine bilder, fint vær og fin tur. Kos deg videre på hytta.
Så koselige bilder. Fjellturer er så godt for sjelen. man slapper helt av da. Og så synes jeg no lille Tuva er både flink og søt da. Kos dere videre.
Inkan: ja, det var en herlig tur i godt vær. Ønsker deg også en fin søndag i morgen
kreoline: takk til deg! Det var en fin tur.
Julie: ja, det er helt sikkert, på fjellet og i skogen har man ro i sjela.
Så bra at dere er så flink å gå i fjellet!:)Det er virkelig godt å traske i fjellet og nyte den flotte naturen!:)Ha en fin kveld!
Beautiful. I had to laugh at your reading an interior magazine at the top of the mountian, lol :o) Blessings.
Beautiful pictures, Hulda! I especially like the one of the clouds. :)
Thank you for taking us along on your trip Hulda! I think that one of the nicest things about blogging is getting acquainted with people from all over the world. Your little corner of it is especially beautiful!
Congratulations with your first wedding anniversary ! I hope that you both have a lovely day.
The photo's of your trip where beautiful as allways.
Thanks for the help with the question I had.I'm still trying to get it to work as it look like I can't find the part that's needed to create those links at the sidebar...I will keep on trying.
How beautiful! Looks like you are having a wonderful time...and a wonderful summer.
Hulda, you had a nice day. And I like the idea with the book on the top of the hill.
Hurra nå kan jeg lese alt igjen. Synes det er litt flaut at du må gjøre siden om igjen, det virket jo som det bare var meg som hadde problem.
Norge är såååå vackert! Nästa år ska jag försöka komma iväg på semester dit. Då ska jag definitivt gå på tur i fjällen :-)
kathrine: ja, fjellturer er toppen av lykke i naturen. :)
mrs blythe: I am addicted to such interior magazines, he he ...
tracy: thanks! I really liked that picture myself too.
mrs.staggs: I agree, bloging is a fantastic journey in to other landscapes and to other peoples life. I am glad you like mine!
monique: Thank you for remember my wedding anniversery!
I have tried to explain the links-problem for you at your blog, I hope you understand. It could be a bit difficult.
lisa: thank you! I really love such mountain trips, and walking in the woods too. And we got a lot of both things up in the north!
sigrun: yes, it is really funny to write the names in the book at the top of each mountain.
julie: jeg, er glad du kan lese hele bloggen nå! Ja, var visst kun du som hadde vanselig med å se, men gjør ingenting at jeg bytta igjen. Jeg skal prøve å få til en annen farge enn hvitt, er jo litt kjedelig. Kanskje en lys pastellfarge som bakgrunn.
hummmlan: ja, Norge er et vakkert land, fra fjord til fjell, hav og strand..
Flotte bilder som alltid. Jeg vil også gå i fjellet, litt misunnelig på deg nå...:-)
leah: ja, fjellturer er toppen av lykke!
Men åh sånna vackra kort!
Så vackert!!!
Kram kram
mindi: tusen takk! Det var en flott fjelltur.
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